
Sweet and Healthy: What’s New?

Energy for the whole day – the benefits of a balanced breakfast

During sleep our body uses the night for regeneration and in the process uses up some of its available energy reserves. Since the brain and muscles always need new fuel, we then need to refill the empty energy stores. Our ability to concentrate and perform well during the day depends largely on what we eat in the morning. If you don’t eat anything, you’re running on empty. A balanced breakfast, on the other hand, gives us power for the morning and forms a solid basis for the whole day ahead

Smoothie bowl

Energy for the whole day – The balanced breakfast

Breakfast – the most important meal of the day

Our body uses the night for regeneration and in the process of sleep uses up available energy reserves. Since the brain and muscles always need new fuel, we have to replenish the empty energy stores. Our ability to concentrate and perform depends largely on what we eat in the morning. If you don’t eat anything, you’re running on empty. A balanced breakfast, on the other hand, gives us power for the morning and forms a solid basis for the whole day.

toy with mask

Say Goodbye to Coronablues – with the right diet!

A year has now passed since our lives changed fundamentally. Some of us now meet colleagues and clients through panels of Plexiglas, or on computer screens. Others of us wear masks for so long, that they leave sore spots. Still others are using their ironing board as a height-adjustable desk. In addition to our work or profession, we are also taking on the role of educators, and it is not all that easy for us. We also often experience unprecedented mood lows and accumulate Corona kilos. For some, something once as simple as having lunch has suddenly turned into a big challenge.

We may not be able to return the light-heartedness of days gone by at the touch of a button, but our tips for planning your meals properly will help you put together a balanced, varied diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, to help you stay physically and mentally fit.


Sugar and the weight loss battle! V

All low calorie sweeteners sold today on the market have passed a rigorous safety assessment by the European Food Safety Authority and the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), which also set the acceptable daily intake levels (ADI).

Dr. Emma Derbyshire from the UK explains: “The ADI is the maximum amount considered safe to consume every day over the course of your lifetime, and this figure also includes a very generous additional safety margin. However, as the ADI is typically much higher than anyone would consume, unlike sugar, there is not such an urgent need to track how much sweetener you consume.”